Orientation Day
Congratulations on joining the Sterling k9 pack by creating your pups profile! Next you'll downloaded our app or sign in to the website to schedule an orientation for your pup and receive your free PB filled Kong!
Pro Tip: Parents love prepaying on the Gingr for Pet Parents app by using the code: 580017
Your pup's first day of school is a special day! We call this first visit Orientation Day. This day is designed to be fun with your pup's best interest in mind. Our enrichment team will assess their demeanor, interaction with other dogs, and comfortability in a group setting. The orientation process generally lasts about an hour, but may vary depending on your dog.

Pup Intake
Your pup is lead into the enrichment room to acclimate to all the new smells, sounds, and textures of their new school.
Once your puppy is demonstrating signs of comfortability in the enrichment room, we will select a trained pup friend who has the same size, play style and energy level to meet and play.
The secret to life is relationships; we prioritize helping your pup build connections that provide comfortability in class. Finding our first friend is crucial to becoming a part of a pack that we trust and respect.
From there, your pup forms their special friend click and friend group for life! "Once we find a full class that works well together , it's magical to watch their personalities come to life" - Goodman, 2023

Private School is Not for Everyone
If you receive a call learning your pup was not the right fit, please keep in mind, pups do have a harder time making it into our "Enrichment Daycare" than a "Play All Day" setting in other facilities.
The biggest reasons for this can be:
You can not become invisible in our small group play
Being receptive to other pups telling us "no" is hard
Communicating appropriately with our friends can be challenging
We want you to keep in mind that your best friend may not be a dog daycare dog, which is ok! 70% of dogs don't get along with other dogs. Being a family dog or a people-person dog, is an equally important role! (Keeping our humans happy is a lot of work) This orientation and learning process can aid in socialization for any future pup as it is a critical component and can only be done in a small development window during the first 8 months of their life.
Orientation Day Drop Off
Just like school, please show up before the bell rings at 9 am for your pups first day. Drop off is a breeze with the help of our Enrichment Team helping your dog enter the facility with ease. Your pup gets their own cubby with their name on the front to hold leashes and collars. Our team is here to guide your pup into the holding room and assist in taking off leashes, harnesses, and collars. While you make your way out, giving a "have fun today!" sendoff, we leave your pup in the holding area while assuring their items are placed in their individual cubby.
The enrichment team is here to answer any further questions you may have before heading out for the day!

Accepted into Private School
After the orientation process finishes, we will give you a call to inform you of the great news and offer for them to stay the rest of the day free of charge.
Pro Tip: You receive a $10 credit when you purchase a daycare membership on the day of orientation
When you come to pick up your fur-baby, you are welcome to grab their items from their personalized membership cubies and head into the holding room where the Enrichment Counselor will bring them out to you. Once your pup has their harness/collar and leash on, you will receive an Official Sterling K9 Acceptance Certificate to frame along with a welcome bag with a gift inside.
While our staff begins the check-out process with the prepayment you made on the Gingr for Pet Parents app or use your membership purchased on the phone, you are set to head out while enjoying the days report card with videos and pictures from the day!
Pro Tip: The report card links are easily shared with family and friends bosting about your pup's accomplishments!